Market Design Seminar Series

June 16, 2023 @ 1-2:30pm
Tokyo, Japan

The Copenhagen survey of parents with newborn children started in 2022 and is continuing. The early driving motivation for this survey was to better understand how parents interact with the rules of daycare assignment in Copenhagen. However, this survey of all Copenhagen parents with newborn children has also been designed to gather information about these parents and about many of their important decisions related to having a new child – for example, the allocation of parental leaves from work. The survey is also intended to be a basis for panel studies of these parents going forward. The goals of the current presentation are to provide information about the rules of daycare assignment in Denmark and other relevant institutional issues and reforms related to the general parenting decisions of parents with newborn children. This presentation contains information about the questions in the survey as well as the summary data on respondent answers. However, since we are presently merging this data with detailed matched register data on Statistics Denmark servers, the presentation does not contain micro-econometric estimates from the survey data – due to gdpr concerns. Nevertheless, the intended micro-econometric tools in relation to this new data and institutional context will be discussed.


University of Copenhagen

July 14th @ 8pm
New York, NY

Use this area to speak to your mission. Maecenas a varius odio egestas auctor. Praesent facilisis, ex a gravida ultricies, quam sed magna placerat eros, et vehicula lectus ligula id dui. Aliquam uto cursus velit ut eros lorem ipsum ullamcorper iacul.


July 29th @ 5pm
New York, NY

Use this area to speak to your mission. Maecenas a varius odio egestas auctor. Praesent facilisis, ex a gravida ultricies, quam sed magna placerat eros, et vehicula lectus ligula id dui. Aliquam uto cursus velit ut eros lorem ipsum ullamcorper iacul.